NLP Singapore – Will you regret not accomplishing some goals before you leave the earth?

Hi Friends,

Do all of you have a list of MUST-DOs that you must accomplish before you leave this world for a better place?

I’m pretty sure all of us have this list. From…



 doing more good deeds, charity,


spending more time with family,


achieving financial freedom,


making a difference in others’ life,


tour around the world,

sea of stars

going to the Sea of Stars on Vaadhoo Island in the Maldives and etc.

Out of all our lists,  irregardless of what it is, I’m pretty sure all of us will have at least one in common.

Let’s do a simple activity now…..

Close your eyes now…

Give yourself 1-3 mins…

Imagine how would you be living your life in the next 5 to 10 years…


So, what do you see yourself doing?

Is it achieving what you had in your “Must-dos”?

To achieve all these, all of us probably have to work twice as hard to reach our goals, and in turn, it might deviate us from the path of what truly matters in our life.

I was reminded about what I hold important in my life today after I came across this article, The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying:

1) I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

2) I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.

3) I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.

4) I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

5) I wish that I had let myself be happier.


They are so applicable to each and everyone of us, isn’t it?

Did it ever occur to you before that, “What if I would kick the bucket first while still working so hard before we can reach our goals?”

Previously, I had wanted to give my family a better life, and thus I spent most of my time working. This goal, however, only had me spending more time at work rather than spending more time with my family and friends at that point of time! Isn’t it ironic?

Wanting to spend more time with people I love in future, I sacrificed the time I have with them now. Why Don’t We Spend More Time with them NOW while balancing work?!

In any case, when we die, we can’t bring our money with us, can we? Our family would have preferred that we spend more time with them, wouldn’t they?

I only realized this 2 years back, and I had already lost contact with some of my close friends in a travel company I used to work at, and this really is one of the most regretted in my life.

Now, I make it a point to keep in contact with my friends and family, treasuring them so that I know I have one item less on my “Regret List” when I’m on my deathbed.

How about you?



Programme Manager 0f NLP Academy


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